Penn & Jora

In this instalment of the series Penn Sebastian finally gets a break! Unable to live his life as he wishes due to a debilitating injury, he’s forced to play watchman to the Paladin’s. Yet following a weird anonymous phone call, he gets the chance to go in and investigate. Turns out that the caller is actually a Kalith female who has an infinity for the rock, and who has discovered a plot to rob Earth of its resources in order to bring light to Kalithans. . . only problem is, it has the potential to destroy both worlds.
Action and suspense ensue as Penn and Jora, with the help of Barak and Larem, try to prevent the dangers brought on by the sickly barrier. And of course, there is the romance, as Jora brings out feelings of protection and love from her handsome Paladin. She makes Penn feel needed, secure in himself, and useful. Now if that doesn’t make for a good read, what does?